15:16 Secret taxi driver | |
Secret taxi driver: таємничий таксист у НорвегіїОстаннє поновлення: Середа, 14 серпня, 2013 p., 12:05 GMT 15:05 за Києвом МедіаплеєрКорисна англійська лексика на основі новин тижня з прикладами вживання слів від лінгвістів відділу BBC Learning English. Послухайте вимову слів уроку на цьому відео у виконанні Фина Абердіна. Текст:Taxi! Behind the sunglasses and uniform is no ordinary cabbie… It's actually Norway's Prime Minster Jens Stoltenberg, working incognito in Oslo. He said taxis were the best place to hear the views of ordinary Norwegians. Passengers were astonished when they discovered who was driving. But, he is unlikely to moonlight again; Stoltenberg hasn't driven for eight years, so his skills are a little rusty. Словник:cabbie - розмовний синонім слова "таксист" incognito - avoiding being recognised by changing appearance; in disguise astonished - шокований, здивований to moonlight - підробляти на стороні, не повідомляючи про це основному роботодавцю rusty (про здібності) - такі, що потребують додаткової практики, не такі, як були раніше Вправа:Вставте одне з наведених нижче слів. Врахуйте, що форма слів у реченні може змінюватися. cabbie / incognito / astonished / to moonlight / rusty 1. Mr Hughes said he had been _________ by the reaction to the film, which received 110,000 hits on You Tube in the first week after it was posted. 2. First broadcast in 2004, Veronica Mars told of a high-school student who moves on to college while _________ as a private investigator. 3. As Londoners will know some of the capital's _________ are not shy about sharing their views on everything from politics to the latest fashions. Now one driver, Michael Dennis, has started reciting his own poetry to passengers and even patients at his local Clapham hospice. 4. Jean Moulin was the former prefect who in January 1942 was sent by General de Gaulle to organise the anti-German underground. For a year-and-a-half, he travelled _______ around occupied France, using the pseudonyms Rex then Max. 5. Question: Do you get nervous playing your new singles for the first time and why? Інші навчальні програми на сайті КлацнутиBBC Learning English. КлацнутиАрхів уроків англійської мови з поясненнями українською. BBC RussianSecret taxi drivervideo here http://www.bbc.co.uk/russian/multimedia/2013/08/130813_elt_secret_taxi_driver.shtmlВ разделе НажатьLearning English мы публикуем видео- и аудиоуроки английского языка, истории о культуре и традициях англоязычных стран. В этом видеоматериале: норвежский премьер-министр тайно поработал таксистом. Смотрите и совершенствуйте языковые навыки. Taxi! Behind the sunglasses and uniform is no ordinary cabbie… It's actually Norway's Prime Minster Jens Stoltenberg, working incognito in Oslo. He said taxis were the best place to hear the views of ordinary Norwegians. Passengers were astonished when they discovered who was driving. But, he is unlikely to moonlight again; Stoltenberg hasn't driven for eight years, so his skills are a little rusty. Изучаемая лексика:
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