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Using Electronic Media (Movies, Video) in the Foreign Language Classroom.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the rapid development of new technologies ease of use of on line resources  in teaching and very popular among the youth of this type of communication, as communication on line. 

     It seems inevitable that classrooms will become  more and more electronic-based, but we as teachers must be careful  that the magic of the technology does not blind us to what is actually happening to the students. Before we decide that we’ve  found  via the internet or television is really worth using, let’s take a moment  and decide what the goal of the lesson is. Are we introducing new  vocabulary? New grammar structures? Are we providing  a review lesson? Do we want to leave things open-ended and see  what the students come up with? All of these approaches are possible with electronic media, which we will define here as radio ,television,movies and, of course, the internet.

Let’s take movie and video individually:

MOVIES.  When it comes to  ,movies you should always have come some preparation (worksheet, discussion) and to show no more ten to fifteen minutes, do not use the movie for the entire class time. Don’t use subtitles in the student’s native language. The preparation can include introducing new vocabulary or new structures; an explanation of a phenomenon from the movie; a retelling( by the students) of the plot  up to the point  they are going to see and posing some global questions they should try to answer after viewing the scene. Follow up assignment could be a retelling in writing of the plot  up to the latest scene; a work sheet for self- generated sentences  with new vocabulary or structures; a shot reaction statement ( e.g. What do you think will happen next?)

VIDIO FROM YOU TUBE. These days video from the webs are so numerous that you may have to plan some extra time just to look through everything that’s available. The advantage of these vidios in that they are much shorter than a movie  and they are nearly always about one subject. Once you have found a piece you want  to use, you  can follow the same plan as mentioned above for movies: pre-viewing  work (new vocabulary  and grammar structures) global questions,directed discussion afterwords: a short-writing piece as home-work.

 Visual electronic media need more preparations than print media: vocabulary printed to the action ,grammar structures and collocations can all be presented and worked on  a bit beforehand. If you are more daring and have the time it’s valuable experience to show the video or film ‘cold’  and then help the students process it. Visual media should be used in short segments ten-fifteen minutes at a time. 

 Використана література:

1.Науково-методичний журнал. Вища освіта. Англійська мова та література№19-21.

2.Національна доктрина розвитку освіти  УкраЇни у ХХ!  Столітті.Педагогічна газета 2001№7(85,липень).

3.Бачанов К.О.Інноваційні системи технології та моделі навчання в школі. Просвіта 2000.

4.Шкіль М.І.Реформування вищої педагогічної освіти./Освіта і управління. 1997/

5.Rob Nolasco.New street wise.Oxford University Press.2007/