Рибій Л. А.

Черкаський медичний коледж, Черкаси




Role-play helps students communicate more freely and encompass an extremely varied collection of activities, and what is more it gives them a great chance to apply their skills in practice.

Some classroom activities which might be confused with role-play are, in fact, very different. Among them we can name:

Play-acting, when students just learn selected roles by heart. No mental process other than memorizing is involved. It is not relevant to a real life situation.

Group or pair work , when students have formal language exercises to discuss and complete, some questions to answer, a topic to consider. They may express their own opinions and feelings, give advice concerning group work, even redirect it. It is not done in role-play.

Dialogue speech, that is mostly aimed at practising some particular communicating phrases, stress, intonation, rhythm etc.

Simulations, when students are just asked to create their roles, so to say, to invent their behavior up to the required situation.

Sometimes it is difficult to convince students that role-play is beneficial and entertaining. If you have established group spirit, the students may be more willing to try this activity, and role-play may turn into a great source of satisfaction for everyone. But it is necessary to say that for role-pay to be fully successful, each student should be active almost 100% of the time. That’s why one of the main advantages of using role-play is maximum students’ activity.



  1. Пащенко Л. В. Англійська мова. Дидактична мозаїка. 10 клас. – Харків: Веста: Виробництво «Ранок», 2003 – 288с.
  2. 2.Teacher training references. Упоряд. С. Куриш. – Київ: Вид. дім «Шкіл. світ»: Вид. Л. Галіціна, 2006 – 112с.